Bulk insert CRM Data into SQL table using sqlbulkcopy
This blog will explain how we can bulk insert any source data [e.g. MS CRM data] into SQL table using C# code. We will follow below steps: We will create DataTable in C# with same table name and column names of SQL table Retrieve source data that needs to be retrieved Add retrieved data from source into DataTable Use SQL Connection and sqlBulkCopy to bulk insert source data into SQL First we will create DataTable with same column name available in SQL table For creating DataTable use below syntax: public static DataTable ActionableAudit() { DataTable actionableAudit; // Create a new DataTable. actionableAudit = new DataTable("ActionableAudit"); actionableAudit.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ChangedOn", typeof(DateTime))); actionableAudit.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CreatedBy", typeof(string))); actionableAudit.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CreatedById", typeof(Guid))); return actionableAudit } After creating Dat...