Power Apps Portals - Lock/Unlock User Account for Invalid Sign In Attempt

 Site Settings that are related to Invalid Sign In Attempt. you can configure these site settings as per your requirement.

Authentication/LoginThrottling/IpAddressTimeoutTimeSpan :

The amount of time the IP address will have to wait if Authentication/LoginThrottling/MaxInvaildAttemptsFromIPAddress occur within Authentication/LoginThrottling/MaxAttemptsTimeLimitTimeSpan amount of time. Default: 00:10:00 (10 mins)


The amount of time the Authentication/LoginThrottling/MaxInvalidAttemptsFromIPAddress are to be within before the IP address has to wait Authentication/LoginThrottling/IpAddressTimeoutTimeSpan. Default: 00:03:00 (3 mins)


The default number of unauthenticated login attempts from an IP address before the IP address is blocked for Authentication/LoginThrottling/IpAddressTimeoutTimeSpan if the attempts occur within Authentication/LoginThrottling/MaxAttemptsTimeLimitTimeSpan amount of time. Default: 1000


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